The Kennel - {MxM, Beast, NC}

As the suit inched up, slowly hiding his humanity he remembered feeling his own sisters hand against his cock. As long as he didn't become excited the sheath would be a snug rubbery sheath for his cock just like a real dog, but the moment he became excited and his length grew the rubbery sheath would squeeze tight around the base of his length, That sheath which acted as a rubbery cock ring around the base of his cock. Which would wrapped in a red condom of sorts, to mimic the appearance of a Dogs cock, he wasn't allowed the release that would of made it all the better. His body ached from the way that furried dog suit made him bend and stretch.
It had all gone wrong on so many levels, He was to be a Dog, a surprise Xmas present to his little brother, Or rather, a stand in for the Real dog that was meant to come a few days later. Only once he was transformed he was discovered in the worst of ways, He was raised on his hind paws, Hands, Paws on his sisters shoulder as she put those final touches on that sheath, On his cock so it looked just right, Only to everyone else it looked like he was trying to hump the teenage girl which ended him here, In the Kennel branded a Deviant and a Dog with no one knowing the truth and his sister certainly wasn't going to open her mouth to save him.
The kennel was specialized in "difficult" dogs, most of the animals here were undisciplined and untamed, some dogs attacked their owner, other were too sexually aggressive. Many of them had a pedigree, the kennel was buying those dogs to breed them and sell their semen, both the owners and the buyers were happy. there was not a single problem, If one didn't mind looking past that the kennels were filled with wild and frustrated dogs, fighting for the lesser males. Which would be exactly where he found himself... In a way, He didn't remember to much after being caught with his sister, aside from a resounding pain in the back of his skull.
His current position left a lot to be desired as he started to stir, to wake completely. Only to realize he couldn't more, Not as much as he would of liked at least, His Jaws hurt, his mouth dry and it took him more than a few moments to realize why. His head tilted back with that muzzle parted, He could taste it, With that muzzle parted it forced his lips, his mouth to do the same, his eyes narrowed as his body jerked, gagging as he came to realize his position. His small 'delivery' cage for the kennel had a sizable knotted length jutting out from one of the walls and it was worked firmly into his muzzle, knot and all leaving his muzzle forced open, his jaw trembled as he squirmed only to finally feel it, heavy against his tongue would be that thick tapered tip, drooling with his only source of liquid to this point.
He tried to move, but was held firmly in place by something that made his hips quiver and him whine around that sizable knotted length. His heart racing as he realized his position, He was left standing in that small cage, practically held in place by two knotted toys, the second naturally would be pressed firmly under his raised tail with the knot resting just outside against his tail-hole. He could almost feel the cage vibrating ever so slightly around him as if humming to life as his body jerked struggling to carefully get free before lights around the kennel started to click on, and almost on cue he was gifted a almost inhuman amount of liquid, Thick and oily it washed against the back of his throat leaving him with little choice but to swallow, two, three, Four mouthfuls in all before he could stand no more, allowing the rest to drool down that muzzle and splatter to the floor, his eyes shut tight feeling an equal injection deep up his backside from that second knotted length, it wasn't for simple nourishment he would learn.
He was the new kid, being pumped full of pheromones to attract other males to break him in and teach him how to play the canine way. as the lights flickered alive around him he could finally see the details of the room. It was a large room with its walls lined with metal box like Dog houses, Bowls of kibble and at least twenty or so large breed dogs not counting those hidden away still in their Dog House's. The moment he was able to see around poorly lit Kennel and heard the doors slamming shut and could catch glimpses of humans roaming outside the fenced area paying no mind to what happened inside.
All the other beasts that were deemed to sexually aggressive for normal family's and a normal life and all to soon he was branded the same. His eyes were wide with the first lewd sight he was able to see, A medium sized Dalmatian being mounted and knotted with its own cock visible and drooling seed to the concrete floor below, His mouth opened, gaped slightly which caused the muzzle to gape open as well, His face hidden behind that muzzle, It replaced his own gentle features with those of a canine. The device that would allow him to control the muzzle, would be simple, A rubbery mold that had been worked into his mouth, other his teeth connected to the muzzle and making it unable to be removed without taking his teeth with it. It allowed him to open and close the muzzle by simply opening and closing his mouth, But the rubbery caps that covered his teeth prevented him from biting down, that muzzle could never close completely, nor would his mouth allowing him to drool almost constantly.
Like in any environment there were to few submissive and to many Alpha's. No more than a few moments later he could see another dog approaching the Dalmatian, With paws quick to find the Dalmatians shoulders as hips shuffled for position, And just as quickly the medium sized Dalmatians muzzle was filled with a drooling doggy cock. The Dalmatian already defeated, Didn't seem to fight or resist, Standing there taking punishment from both ends, He could only stare when the dalmatian was mounted from the front, To see another dogs thick red cock pressing into the dogs muzzle was amazing, So much so that he dared to leave the protection of the gate, Pressing forward with a gulp, his breathing already heavy and ragged from the way the bondage fit him, His own cock erect and still exposed causing him to whimper, Even thru the muzzle he could smell the sex, the scents of spilled seed everywhere. It didn't take long for him to see that dogs knot inflating, Tieing with the Dalmatians muzzle who seemed all to accepting of it all, Even as is entire body was jerked along when the canine turned around, He watched the other canines, Cautious of their approach but his attention drawn back to the lewd seen before him, of the Dalmatian, Still larger than himself was turned into a Bitch.
It filled him with panic, his heart already racing, his insides burning, stomach churned with that pheromone mixture, yet on some level it made him want, Want to try it, Want to feel what it was like, And within moments he would have his chance as his cage would start to be raised around him almost cruelly pulling those knotted toys away leaving him to stumble and gasp for air as the noise he made, and the sight of the cage being removed had already attracted attention.