Space adventure fun time!
Okay boyos here's an lovely new idea of mine, It involves aliens and eggs with slight chance of pregnancy and tentacles and mutants and other strange, cool spacey wacey stuff! Our heroine yet to be named Vixen is a explorer or maybe a trapper of some kind, Sets off across the galaxy garbed in her always sexy high tech rubbery latex body suit that had a curvy animal form (Like my hooves an harlots) It doesn't hide her curves, just shows them off while granting a somewhat animal form, I figure it changes per her environment so she isn't really ever a "Prey vs predator" Situation, Ideally. ^^
Need more information? I thought so!
This story line isn't mapped out like my others, She has an entire universe of creatures and aliens to encounter, perils to escape (or not) depending on the partner that joins in. It could easily be a wondrous one shot with a bad end, Or some long epic adventure that involves our heroine getting into more and more odd situations. I mean imagine if she lands on a planet, the Suits AI shifts her into the form of a prominent food source on the planet! Then suddenly she not only has to worry about other species of animal trying to possibly mate with her, But also the humanoid populace trying to hunt her for a quick meal.
I know.. Why doesn't she just change the form of the suit or take it off entirely?
She cant! The suit was originally designed as a sexual bondage by advanced Aliens that enjoyed, for lack of a better term. Pet play, Turning lesser species into animals for use and sport. There's no way as the wearer she could change the suit without visiting her Ship to override the AI and remove it entirely.
What kind of animal or alien forms can she have?
Anything you can imagine! I mean, It cant shift her shapely 5'3 form into the form of a earth mouse. But thru advanced compression tech (Think super metroid morph ball stuff) , The form has to be roughly within range of her natural human form, Meaning she could become in earth critters anywhere from say.. A smaller form such as a Pig form upwards to the formidable size of a ah... Clydesdale, Buck ect. Of course the forms she will take will be of Alien animals, This is just a size reference.
So how CAN it be removed outside of the ship?
Well its still a suit, Space age material but its still rubbery! It can be melted. Heated to a certain point when the kinetic bond is broken and it simply melts away. It can be cut, torn and so fourth but would take something more than a simple knife, Remember it has an AI and can protect its self via thickening, hardening ect.
You said possibility of being knocked up... How is that possible!?
Well As i said, the suit was originally designed as a sexual deceive for Alien humanoids interested in pet-play, So iam sure it would have some kinda genetic tinkering once it adapted to her body type. After all it has to manufacture pheromones and other scents so i dont see why it couldnt make her able to get knocked up. One possible outcome? Well.. Imagine her surprise say surviving for a week or two on a planet, Returning to her ship resetting the suit to move on to the next world, taking it off only to find her bellie horribly distended and swollen knocked up by some species of creature thats double if not triple her size! (Oh the humanity!)
But you only talk about monsters and animals, What about the humanoid loves!
Of course she would have humanoid encounters. She could very well become a plaything for a perverted Alien humanoid while in one animal like form and of course there could be all sorts of fun between missions as she travels from one rock to another showing off the results of her adventures.
So.. What about the eye candy!
Sure ill include a little! Click below!
Example of a possible form / Encounter.

Another possible form for the Applied Suit / Parasite