She would remain in position, On her hands and knee's that pert valentine shaped rump poised high ripe for the mounting as her head was lowered slightly and tilted back, Those soft cherry painted tier's parted lewdly around the yellow chocobo's cock, Her tongue flicked against its slit tasting the spicey seed like substance and eagerly swallowing, Not realizing its side effect untill it would be to late of course, As the large shimmering yellow feathered bird would back away she would crawl forward trying to best to stay with the bird but stopping a step to late causing the head of its cock to touch against her throat causing her to gag, Taking in another mouthfull of that wonderfully spicey lust inducing substance a deepblush fell onto the young girl's gentle features hearing the voices of travelers, Everyday chocobo riders out near the entrance trying to catch one of the birds such as the one she was about to be mated to, As the bird took another step She would follow, Only this time when it stopped so did she comming to sit on her knee's, Thighs parted and her head tited back still, the bird towered effortlessly over her now, the chocobo could easly thrust into her throat as her head was tilted back looking from behind almost as if she were worshiping or praying to the chocobo, No one would believe that she were sucking upon its cock unless they witnessed it first hand. It had started innocently enough atleast,,,She saw the chocobo and more importantly saw that massive chocobo cock...she was curious ok! all she wanted was to touch it....Then all she wanted was a taste! Then she got stuck like this with a belly full of of that spicey chocobo fluid, its cock swelled slightly lodged within her mouth rendering her helpless for the time being and in the middle of a blessed chocobo forest.
Chocobo's could always be called deviant creatures, The massive avian's were known for far more than being simple transportation, They were also known for preying on anything they could rundown and not outright kill! Chocobo's Mounted various fiends and beast much smaller than themselves should they fail to find something around their own... size, Chocobo's are special creatures with many traits, A few of which allow them to mount and breed effectively with any number of creatures! Their seed addictive to the point of driving a creature to madness for naught more than a taste! Their seed allowing them to effectively knock up any creature they get those talons around, Yet the mounting was just the start! Weeks to come the intended mate would become swollen and full holding a Chocobo egg within them, No larger than a Hume's fist.. atfirst, From there it grows, Far larger than most could ever imagine! Yet those's who had tasted the chocobo's seed, or had been Lucky enough to be Bred by one faced another challange..Their flesh stained with the scent of a chocobo targeting them forever as a mate, but also A meal for the beast known as The Chocobo Eater.